Thank you for using REPAtelier. Here’s the tutorial for using REPAtelier dashboard.
Login/password change
To log into your account using provided username/email and password, click on “Client area” in the header menu.
To change your password, go to “Change password” from the left tool bar
Scroll down to “Account Management” and click on “Set new Password”
File upload and management
To submit new order from the dashboard, you can use either:
Link submit
This option let you to use your own file hosting system, simply share us the link to the files and press “Submit”
Regular upload
By using this option, you will upload your files to our server.
Step 1: Select “Add your files” or “Select a folder” to upload your images
Step 2: Enter notes and instructions (if any) in the “Note” box
Step 3: Submit
After submiting a new order, you will shortly received a message to your registered email (it can land into spam box from time to time).
Your folder
Here you can manage your uploaded files. Finished jobs will also be stored here.
Order and invoice history
Under development
Under development
Thank you! If you need assistance with anything else, don’t hesitate to shoot us a message. We’re here to help.